Sunday, June 26, 2005


Darn dog! I think my dog broke my toe. I know you're wondering how that could possibly be, and I know, it's really my own fault for doing something dumb. See, we have her tethered in the back yard on one of those plastic-wire jobbers anchored to the ground. She loves to try to get us to chase her when it is time to go in so I usually walk along the wire thingy until I get to her so she can't run away. Well silly me did what I usually do, but kinda neglected to remember that I was barefoot at the time and when I got about 3 feet from loopy dog she took off at top speed and kinda took one of my toes with her. Luckily it is one of those insignificant middle toes, but man is it sore! Goofball dog.

Lessee what's happened since I last wrote....

Had the G'sale on Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning. Sold most of the bigger stuff, range hood, microwave, fax machine, etc. and a lot of clothes, but we didn't have any high priced stuff, so we really didn't make that much. Kinda disappointing, but we really don't get the traffic we used to get at the old house either. Glad that is over. I'm packing it up to go to the Salvation Army or the children's resale shop. Will be nice to have our garage space back.

Got a couple more orders over the weekend, including one for a website redesign that I'm really happy about. Have to finalize the details on that one. Also some more sports bars and birthday goodie bags. I like the thought of that one. I think I put together really good goodie bags.

Speaking of goodie bags...usually we are always late to everything, but this weekend we were actually 23-1/2 hours early for the girl's sleepover party. Doh! We tried to take her over Friday night but the party wasn't until Saturday. Bahahahaha....that is a first!

Ok, time to go to bed. Gotta take advantage of sleeping nights while I can!


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