Monday, June 13, 2005

Week one...

...of summer break. This weekend we had our second annual block party. It was fun. It was way hot. It rained for about 3 minutes when we were packing up the last bit, so it was a nice hot sunny day. The three minute rain felt wonderful. I did face painting, and I was busy the entire 5 hours. I kid you not...I had a couple bites of hamburger and that was it. Those kids were following me around. A couple kids I did 12 paintings on. They were running out of exposed skin area. lol. Check out the pics here from the neighborhood website.

This weekend was also the kick-off party for the park district pool. We went and it rained. We expected to be there all day but came home after a couple hours as the sky was overcast and cloudy and rather chilly, actually. After 90s the day before, Sunday was not so nice. We had to go back in the evening though for the first swim lesson class. Both kids are in the advanced class, but the boy doesn't like it because it is hard. He was in a way easy class last year, so I wanted him challenged this time.

Today we are goign back out to the pool. This time on our bikes though. We'll be leaving in about an hour. I'll have to take a watch and see how long it takes us to get there. It's probably about 2 miles or so away. It is already 88 degrees. We're also working on our summer schedule. A couple TV shows in the morning, then they have to find something else to do. Today the girl wrote her teacher a letter, the boy has basically just been a pest. But at least he's not in front of the TV...he's thinking creatively of ways to pester the girl and me. Isn't that what little brothers are for?


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