Saturday, April 02, 2005

How Cool is This?

So the kiddos are going to a birthday party for the little dude down the street. Very cute little dude, by the way. The kid cracks me up big time. He's turning 6. So dh buys him some toys, one of which is a pack of Robots from the movie "Robots". They are cute. So me thinks, hmmm...this needs a book basket. I know I have a beginning reader book with a robot in it in "the studio" so I go get it and it is a great match for the toys. It is going in with the pack of robots in a Robot-shaped basket (yes, I'll take a pic later). So while I am working on the custom candy bar and buttons I'm making to put in the basket with the other stuff I think to take a peek in the book and see if there is anything else I can add in from the book. I just about fell out of my seat when I see on the first page that the kid introduces himself, "Hi, my name is Reese." That's the name of the little dude who's party we're going to! And no, I had no clue when I thought of the book. Just a really, really weird coincidence. Freakish really.


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