Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Where are my big signs?

Yes, the political battles are on. My suspicions were confirmed last night regarding the two political parties up here in my town. Seems no one up here will admit to being either REP or DEM, so you really have to do some detective work to figure out exactly what's up. And of course, they all just tell you what you want to hear, so even listening to the candidates or reading articles in the newspaper doesn't help much. Have to go back to their voting records to see which side of the street they are on. I think I at least have this one figured out. So I requested a BIG yard sign. And I requested a BIG yard sign to support the school referendum as well. What did I get? The regular tiny sign. Now come on....I'm getting tired of this! I want my BIG sign! I am right at the end of the main entrance to our subdivision (which they claim to be targeting for support) AND right next to the park. Pretty much everyone goes past our house. And other political parties (one of the parties in question above) even asked if they could put their BIG sign in my yard since it is an important area. And yes, I told the Referendum people this, but still, I have a tiny sign. Sigh. I requested a BIG sign from the other party running for mayor so we'll see which big sign gets here first. lol


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