Friday, March 11, 2005


Wow, what a week! Busy, busy, busy. Not that that's a bad thing, mind you, but I am very glad to see lots of boxes of HJ goodies go out my door this morning! Whew! On today's agenda is finishing up my portion (the art part) of the gigantic ice cream sodas for the PV Family dance tomorrow. I just need to add the highlights to the glasses on the strawberry sodas. Chocolate soda is finished (except the straw...keep forgetting about those) and it is WAY cute! I have to figure out how to post pics here.

Well, the HOA board has voted to have the "tacky fence" (as they call it) removed. At least the portion behind our lot. Not sure about the front. And the HOA president is having it removed because it will cost the builder money to remove it. So really, just because she has some kind of vendetta against the builder. She has certainly voiced her opinion loudly that the fence is tacky, but it looks like they are leaving the portion on the side of my house that everyone will see, which makes absolutely no sense. Go figure. Not dealing with the brightest of people here.

And on a someone related subject, the school referendum people are coming today with a hopefully HUGE sign to put in my very prominent front yard. HOA can't do anything about that since it is a political sign. Bahahahaha. I specifically requested a HUGE one because it is a nice bright yellow and I will put it right where everyone coming into this neighborhood can see it. DH had a great point (as usual)...the HOA is so concerned about the fence because it will drive people from buying a house in this neighborhood but don't they don't give a crap about the downward spiral of the district schools due to lack of funds. Again, consider the source.

End of my Friday rant. Happy weekend all.


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