Friday, April 15, 2005

Happy 1040 Day!

I'm glad tax time is over. I was sweating bullets before having our taxes down this year since last year was such a mess for us. But luckily, Uncle Sam was good to us now that we're dirt poor. And the pumpkin is still smiling. And today is another beeeeautiful sun-shiny day. I took a MOUNTAIN of packages to the PO this morning and really peeved some people. I let a bunch of people go in front of me since they had one thing each and I had a gazillion, but by the time I left there was a line out to the door. Whoops! As long as there are packages going out, there's money coming in, and that's alright with me.

Got an order today for college mini bars. This will be a fun new project! Now....what inspires a college student to study....? I was an art major afterall, we didn't have to study...that much anyway...


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