Saturday, December 23, 2006


Ok, I'll be the first to admit it....Christmas is not my favorite time of the year. Hands down that's gotta be Halloween. Obvious though, isn't it? Perpetually happy pumpkin and all? My Halloween fascination had to start with living near Detroit growing up. I remember learning about Devil's night and bizarre! A night when people go out and pull pranks....soap windows, throw eggs, set Detroit on fire....what a concept. Plus the added bonus of getting to be whoever you wanted to be for a night. Yeah, that's a holiday for me.

This Christmas has been hectic, stressful, and just an overall drain on me. As I was trying to decorate my dining room earlier I asked my dh if I was around last Christmas. I mean, I know I was here, but I was also working that dreaded other job and I don't remember putting up the Christmas tree, or really much else of it. This year, I managed to get the tree up, although I didn't do any of the decorating. The kids did it, which is fine. Not how I would do it, but that's ok. I just can't get into it this year.

Looking back on the past year, it has been another down year. I was hoping it was just my 30s, but most of this year (and turning 40 in the middle of it) hasn't been much different. I really need something. I need to figure out who I am.

Happy Jack is going along by itself mostly. I've gotten a lot of orders lately, which is good, but I don't have the energy to put into it like I should. I haven't done anything new in ages. I have plans in my head and a few on my work table...but no time to devote to developing them. The coloring contest this year was a huge flop. Going from 500+ entries 2 years ago to 3 this year. Getting cut out of my own district surely didn't help things. But I also didn't market it - so it is my own fault.

McLeod Multimedia is doing ok too....have websites to work on, but need to make some changes there as well. Need to figure out what to do with the phone situation. Need to get myself a new computer. My Windows 98 is getting obsolete. I need to learn more. I need to do more.

I think as 2006 wraps up I will bid it a glad goodbye. I have much bigger and better plans for 2007. There are things in my past and my future that need taking care of. Mostly me.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.



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