Thursday, May 25, 2006

Short Update

I had a couple extra minutes this morning so I thought I'd post a short update on the happenings in the land o'pumpkins.

Probably the biggest news around here is that I quit job #2. Long story short, they just really irked me for the last time. So I handed in my badge and discount card on Monday. The girl has a band concert tonight, and had her D.A.R.E. graduation last night. At job #1 we are conducting a web survey on the current website. It needs changes big time. I'm hoping I'm the one to make the changes since I already have a redesign finished and waiting in the wings. We shall see how that pans out. The boy had his nineth birthday last Saturday. He got two anole lizards. They are pretty cool to watch. I'm taking him to school today to help as he presents his biography potato. He chose to do his report on Uncle Neil Armstrong (as he's known here) so I'm taking in the cool 1960's pictures and badge that he took to the moon. Next week I go in one day to be a "guest reader" in his class. I don't think he knows I'm coming in yet. Have to figure out what to read now. We're looking forward to the end of school but still have no idea what we are going to do with the kids over the summer. This is the first summer I won't be home since the girl was born. They do start summer school the week after school is out so that will occupy them for a month or so, but after that we'll be scrambling. Luckily Patrick has a boatload of vacation days available. I won't have vacation days until August when I've been at the district for a year. Other than that stuff we are working on putting in a deck this year. We don't want to wait 10 years to put something in like we did at the last house. We finally had a patio put in and then moved the next year. lol.

That's about it for the short update. Happy Jack is still kicking, but mostly in the background. I hope to change that this summer when I will have more time to devote to the business. I have so many plans and ideas in my head that are just dying to get out!


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