Monday, May 16, 2005

Why does my life...

...revolve around the temperature? I just realized that is the first thing I think about to write about. It is 58 degrees right now. Sunny, which is nice, but still chilly to me. It was a pretty chilly weekend too, and overcast, mostly. Soccer games this week: girl won, boy lost. I talked to one of the other mom's during most of the boy's game, which was nice. The girl's team continues to do really well. They played the same team they tied with earlier in the season, but this time they won handily. They are very good. Boy's team is good too, but they've hit a bad slide lately, although they usually only lose by 1 point. They play much better than last year's team though.

The girl auditioned for another play last week and got a part in the chorus. There may be changes to the cast list though, so we'll see if she moves up into another speaking part. She seemed ok with it, although a little disappointed to be only in the chorus after her first speaking part in the last play. The play is Hansel and Gretal and I thought the girl would be perfect for the "Dew Princess" part. If that doesn't sound like the girl, I don't know what does. lol.

Anyone need any Education Funding Reform buttons?


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