Thursday, April 28, 2005

Whoops there goes...

...our dinner! Funny thing happened at dinner last night. We've been doing pretty good about eating at home lately, well, with the exception of when we had guests over the weekend, so last night we decided to use our free kids meal coupons at Chili's to treat the kids for excellent dentist visits. So we're hanging out at Chili's having a good time, chatting with the waitress, and in another section a new waitress drops a big tray of food. Luckily no one was injured, although she was quite upset. I couldn't tell if it was new food or she was clearning a table, or what so I didn't think anything of it. A few minutes later a waiter comes by and apologizes and said that was OUR food. WHOOPS! We were just kind of laughing about it a minute ago thinking how bad that would be if it was someone's dinner she just dropped. Cripes! That was OUR DINNER! lol Luckily we were all in a good mood and telling stories and having a very nice time anyway so it wasn't really any harm. The poor new waitress was in tears though. We did get our dinner eventually and the manager threw in a free dessert which we'd never complain about so all's well that ends well. But it was pretty humorous when that waiter guy came out and said it was our food on the floor. Doh!

Got the college exam bars finished and they turned out quite cute! I made header cards for them so they are all packaged up 15 bars in a "Exam Stress Relief Kit". They will be on the website soon.

And two days of not having to make lunches for the kids! Gotta love that hot lunch service at school. Wonder if they will cut that for next year? So far the school board has decided to up the registration fee and possibly do away with their email addresses and rely on some kind of spring device attached to mailboxes. Don't ask me, I don't think I even want to know....

Went to our new dentist this week. Both kids really like them. Each has their own hygienist and dentist. And the hygienists are just super. We really like them both. The kids are very enthusiastically brushing their teeth now and asking when they can go back. Quite a difference from when I remember going to the dentist as a kid. I HATED the dentist. That's probably where my whole teeth phobia stems from. They said the girl's mouth is more developed than her developmental age. She already has her wisdom teeth mostly formed although not erupted yet. She also might have a problem with her baby pre-molars. Those are not loose yet and they should be coming out any time now. After they took an X-ray it clearly shows that the roots of the baby teeth are wrapped around the crowns of the permanent teeth. Like they are getting a piggy back ride. It looked cute on the X-rays, but won't be good if they stay like that. Hopefully the roots will dissolve and they will push out of the way on their own, otherwise she'll need to have them pulled. I'm thinking the kids have my teeth, which is a way good thing, and I did have a stuck baby tooth, pre-molar, also when I was a kid. It had to be pulled when I was 18! I cracked it in half eating a piece of sausage. I was really freaked out and after X-rays at the dentist they were all surprised to find out it was only a baby tooth that had never come out. So maybe there is some genetic component to teeth wanting to stay in. lol. Or it could just be the girl since that is how she's always been. lol.


At 4:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey woman,
Shelagh's baby teeth didn't want to come out easily, either, but it didn't seem as complicated as what you are talking about. The dentist did end up taking them out for her as they became loose and then just didn't fall out. It sounds like MMM's wisdom teeth are developing quickly; one of the best things we ever did for Shelagh was get her wisdom teeth out of her head before they were fully ennervated. She was more like 13 years old, but if they'll take girl's out now, I'd say go for it! Some of Shelagh's friends are having trouble with their wisdom teeth even now and hers were a breeze to get rid of by comparison.


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