Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Only 26 letters in the alphabet? Really?

Well, the ABC countdown has begun. Why didn't they think of this when I was a kid? Yesterday was "Art Day" for the boy...I already forgot what he said they did. Will have to ask him again. And it was "Apple Day" for the girl. Today is "Bubble Gum Day" and "Baby Picture Day" for the boy and girl respectively. So that means we're down to 24 days left of school right? I always forget if there are 26 or 27 letter in the alphabet. I know, not such a good thing to forget for a college educated person and all, but I'm sure there is a logical reason for why I have a hard time with that. Just like there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for why I think drive through window #1 is the one closest to the front of the store, not the first one you drive up to. Yeah, I'm that one who read all the test questions funny too. I think I just look at things from a completely different perspective. Ok, maybe one from another planet...I know what you're thinking. Can't help it...that's just the way I am.

Another school board meeting has been called for Thursday night...yup 48 hours after the last one, to discuss the email elimination and something else. They didn't post in their agenda a public comment section, which I guess is supposed to occur per some board code. Boy, I certainly don't envy them. There are so many rules and regulations on this stuff it makes my head spin! Village politics seems much easier. Course, the village board meeting and school board meeting are on the same day so I'm kinda struggling with which one to focus my limited attention on. Went to the school board meeting on Monday since the Village board was swearing in the new guys. Would have liked to see that, but I feel the school board needs more attention at the moment. I'm just so flabbergasted at the parents of STUDENTS who believe what this school board says and support them. They are doing away with a superintendant with a doctorate in favor of someone from another state without a doctorate and with no experience with the funding issues we are facing. And they are so pleased with themselves. I don't think I could show my face if it were me. But I guess it is another example of dumbing down society. Who needs an education right? Especially when you can add a 27th letter to the alphabet anytime you want.

At least on the positive side of things, it will be 64 and sunny today. Was in the 30s Monday and it snowed on my head when I went outside. I was not pleased. lol


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