Tuesday, May 17, 2005


I've noticed some strange trends lately. I am getting hits on Happy Jack from some odd places. Israel, Saudi Arabia, Canada...not that those are odd places, but those three in a row just struck me as odd, and all this morning. Hmmm...what was Jack up to while we were all sleeping?

Also, my last email campaign, the graduation goodies, did not get the same reception most of the others did. That one did follow right on the heels of the birthday button & baby basket announcements. So did fewer people open the email because they've already been to the sight recently through the other announcements, or is it because most people on the list don't have anyone graduating? Only 3 people actually clicked through the email and went into the sight. Hmmmm...troubling...

I have new products to launch, but now I'm torn between waiting another couple weeks to put some space between emails and just wanting to put them out there so maybe I'll get some orders from them. What to do...what to do...

Tomorrow I'm off to Springfield. I've got my backpack adorned with new Education buttons and lots of extras and business cards. Maybe I can give a button to the Governor. Wouldn't that be something. Here's hoping some news organization sees my backpack full of buttons. Maybe the kids will get something and Happy Jack too. That would make for a good day for all.


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