Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Newly Elected...

Me. It's out neighbors...I'm on the PTO. lol We had elections last night and how sad is this? In attendance at last night's general PTO meeting were the 7 people currently on the board, me, another lady who was running for a seat, another lady from my neighborhood, the principal, two 4th grade teachers, and a kindergarten teacher. That's it. Not even one other lady who was running for Secretary. So we basically voted ourselves on the board. Is there a problem with volunteerism everywhere? I suspect so. It must go back to that whole "just looking out for me" mentality that is sweeping the nation.

On another equally funny and sad note, I got a "piece of work" in the mail yesterday. "Getting to Know Your Schools" An Official Publication of CCSD #46 hit the streets, well, actually, my mailbox and I'm assuming everyone in CCSD 46's. Seems this little glossy 4-page fluff piece cost the district $8,000...which they stress all over the place that "no educational funds were used to develop, create, print or mail." No, the funds were taken from the lease agreement with Lakeview School. So they used District funds to "communicate" with the community how great the district is, but they won't respond by email to questions from the community, they won't answer questions at board meetings, and unless you are a member of their core support group, they won't address you at all. One board member will not even look at people addressing the board at public comment time at the board meetings. It's a joke. Please tell me it is.

I had another current PTO board member drive me to the meeting last night and her daughter in the back seat was telling me how cool it was that the PTO bought the school new playground equipment, but they really needed more dodge balls. Which is hilarious since all they do for gym class is play dodge least that's how it seems to me. My kids always come home talking about what went on at dodge ball. Although I shouldn't say always, like they are always having gym. That is just once every week or two when the teachers can pool the kids together and have 100 kids in the gym throwing balls at each other. Lucky us no PE for kids in K-4th grade, so the occasional game of dodge ball will have to suffice. Guess the PTO better stock up on balls.

But never fear....CUP STACKING IS HERE!
Hang with me, it just keeps getting better. In the $8,000 fluff piece from the school board there was a half-page article on this new game that is sweeping the nation. And "It's fun but not just a Game: Speed Stacking Hits at the Heart of P.E. Standards". So have no fear, even though we don't have gym teachers or a program that consists of much other than dodge ball we can challenge our little kids with speed stacking. What is speed stacking you ask? Good question..I had not heard of this new national pastime either. Speed stacking is an activity to improve eye-hand coordination, increase motivation, and enhance student focus and concentration skills. [Insert rolling of the eyes here] Come on, what's the punch line? It's a joke, right? This can't be the investment in our children's future, can it? While we scale back programs including art, music, gym, and this year's cuts include technology (because, really, who needs to know how to use computers in this day and age) we're teaching kids speed sounds to me like we're preparing our kids for a future as a stock clerk at a supermarket.

Ok, off my soap box, or rather can-stack for today. Should be a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Gotta go let the snorting, loopy dog out. Maybe I'll spend the day with her, on the kitchen floor, on my back, in the sun. Sounds good to me.


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