Monday, March 07, 2005

Another day in pumpkin-land

Moday morning once again. What a busy weekend. Two play performances down, three more to go. But at least we have 3 days off before we start up again. Which is a good thing because we're really behind in making gigantic ice cream soda decorations. So tonight will be spent making those. Today I am finally finishing up the donation baskets for the school raffle.

Loopy dog must have had a late night last night. Doing what? I have no idea, but puppy is still sleeping. Not a peep out of her yet and it is 9am. Oh, I bet I know. She was running around outside yesterday since it was a balmy 55 degrees. That's bound to take it out of a pup. Loopy dog will be raring to go later on I'm sure.

Oh, and on the fence front...we've been officially notified by our homeowners association to remove the fence in 30 days or face legal action. Course, the fence isn't even ours. Guess they didn't feel the need to check that before sending the threatening letter. Way to go HOA.


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