Wednesday, March 09, 2005


So, one of my FPLP (that's Fisher Price Little People to those not in the know) friends sent me a link to website that has an email list that promotes a small business each week. SHe said why not email this lady and send her your info? Sure, I thought, why not? ad hit the internet waves this past Monday. (It was very cute, by the way) I had over 300 web hits in 1 day...and that was from 1pm on. Over 1,000 page views. These people were really looking around! I am thrilled! I had several inquiries come from it in the past two days...1 pending order too. And 7 people signed up for the Happy Jack updates through Constant Contact. The site, by the way, is called WOW Coupons.

Also, the button business of Happy Jack sure is hopping lately. Lots of orders for referendum buttons. I'm toying with the idea of a special "election" page with school board election buttons and referendum buttons. It seems most schools around here have been having referendum issues.

And now that the Easter holiday items are out, its time to turn my attention to Graduation and end of the school year goodies. I need to get that teacher's club rolling very soon. Watch for something on the website about that soon.

P.S. Loopy dog is snoring.


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