Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

Happy Jack is wishing everyone a safe and prosperous new year. Especially me, lol. We could use a safe and prosperous new year, that's for sure! This year's New Year's Eve was a different experience for us. I worked at that other place tonight and the kids and Patrick went to a friend's house in the next neighborhood over from ours. I joined them at about 11pm when I got off work. I spent the earlier evening getting rather well acquainted with canned tomatoes. I'm hoping 2006 brings an end to my rather hectic life. The hectic part that is, lol. I really took for granted the time I had from September 2004-July 2005 when my life revolved around my family and the perpetually happy pumpkin. I really want that life back. There are so many things I want to do...grow my business, run for public office, or at least get myself involved in some form of government, teach my family members to play guitar and really truly join me in my love of music, study molecular biology and genetics, research legal challenges to the constitution as they relate to school law, take my kids to the pool over the summer, plant a really wicked vegetable garden, grow pampass grass in my front lawn and tick off the HOA. Ah, so many ventures and so little time.

Well, tomorrow, or rather, today I plan to sit on the couch and watch football, finish painting the kitchen and mudroom and generally relax a bit. Not too much, because there is just so much to do, but I definitely plan to enjoy tomorrow and Monday too. Two whole days without those bothersome jobs. Will have to do something about those this year.

Anyway, happy new year and remember to read a good book every day.


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