Wednesday, July 13, 2005

No work Wednesday

Yea! It's a no work Wednesday! It occurred to me last night (at work) how very strange it is to go to work twice in the same day. lol. I hadn't thought of that before, but as I was unpacking smelly candles and putting them away I remembered being up at the front registers in the morning putting away Mr. Clean spot sponge thingies. That's when it hit me that it was the very same day and there I was back again that evening. Pretty weird. I think I prefer only going in to a place to work one time a day. But so far it isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. We'll see after my 6-day stretch coming up, but at least after 4 days working and 2 days off it hasn't been too bad.

Last night I unloaded 8 cartloads of candles. I was pretty excited when my TL told me that I'd get to do stationery by myself. But when I got there there was another girl there already and she stuck me in candles. Ugh. I thought the smell would kill me, but after cart number 2 I was used to it. And there were some pretty cool candle holders and stuff in there too. M-u-s-t-N-o-t-L-o-o-k-A-t-M-e-r-c-h-a-n-d-i-s-e.

After Stationery we went to (gasp!) SCHOOL SUPPLIES!! Those who know me, know that I live for school supply season. It is my most favorite time of the year....just the glimpse of a crayon box makes me weak in the knees. Must also be some deep-seated childhood issues to go along with my blankie-fetish. So I got to put away glue sticks, Elmer's Glue (is there anything better than Elmer's Glue?), boxes of #2 pencils, and some folders. Oh, and index cards too. But while I was back there I kept hearing "It's the hap-happiest time of the year...."of course that was just in my head.

After school supplies I moved on to electronics. See the bad thing about this job is seeing all sorts of stuff I never saw there before. They have instruments there! Musical instruments! When did that happen? I didn't get a good look, but they have starter band instruments...trumpets, flutes, clarinets are the ones I noticed as I was turning a corner. But since I get a discount, seems like a good deal to me. Course, I have to figure out how to get the girl over to school in the morning for band practice if she's going to do that. She's deciding between the clarinet and the flute. She's leaning towards the clarinet though. And of course, I can't find my clarinet. I have no idea what happened to it.

So last night I actually got out early! 5am! I was just going to sleep for a little maybe til 10am or so so I could get some HJ work done and some domestic work done, but instead I didn't wake up until almost 2pm! Yikes. Hopefully I'll still be able to sleep tonight too. Tonight, strangely enough, we need to go back to the work place and do some shopping. We're almost out of food again.


At 8:43 AM, Blogger Annette said...


There is a flute and a clarinet here but I think Anna wants to keep playing the clarinet . . we'll see if I can get her to budge!


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